Procedure Text #3


Procedure Text #3

we are now back on another part of procedure text. guess what are we going to talk about today?
it is a "how to use" procedure Text. remember what we were talking about in the previous part of this chapter? yup personalised note taking.
i told you to decorate them in order to make you enjoy re-read the notes. and one of the way of decorating is writing the title. i will show you how to use a brush to make the title or header on your notes.
here its is

1. first, hold your brush about a 90 degree angle to the paper. 
2. then,  Apply light pressure, draw your brush pen upwards on the paper. 
3. Use “downstrokes” to create thick lines. and "Upstrokes" to create thin lines.

does it look easy? WHOA WHOA HOLD ON. you have to do lots of practise on it. practice makes perfect!

we are almost there to close the chapter of procedure text. stay tuned!


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