Procedure Text #2


Procedure Text #2

hehehe we're back on procedure text part 2, we are now going to talk about "how to do" procedure text.
eum let's start by knowing what we'll need during our 12th year of school. YUP. TAKING NOTES. today i'm going to show you how to propperly take notes.

1. first, you gotta focus on what's your main point. it is the big idea on what are you going to learn and what topic you'll elaborate further. keep your eyes on them and do not overcomplicate.

2. next, start to write down the things you need. in this step it's better to keep it as short as possible. notes were made to help you review the lesson. and to make it too much infos will make you get confused.

3. then, make a mind map. mind map will help you organize between ideas. it is SUPER HELPFUL.

4. finally, your notes should be personalised. make it fun, you can decorate them, add as many picture as you want and enjoy them.

well, i thini thats all i have for today, see you on another chapter, Bye! 


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