Descriptive Text #2


Descriptive Text #2

HI THERE! im back with another descriptive text. today, we are going to talk about recreation destination. i found a good destinantion to chill at your weekend. and that is "Taman Mini Indonesia Indah"

The New Face Of TMII

        Standing on an area of ​​150 hectares, Taman Mini "Indonesia Indah" is present as a summary of the culture of 33 provinces of the Indonesian nation in the form of a miniature archipelago complete with regional pavilions, traditional buildings and architecture, regional arts, recreational parks, and various kinds of rides that offer recreational facilities. arts, recreation, and education for visitors.

       This idea was sparked on March 13, 1970 after Mrs. Tien Soeharto attended a meeting at Jalan Cendana no. 8 on March 13, 1970 where he shared his ideas after hearing President Soeharto's speech on the balance of the general development of the 1971 GR DPR and his experience accompanying the President visiting countries friendly to Indonesia.

       TMII was inaugurated in 1975 with the hope that Indonesian culture and wealth can be properly preserved and also that the unique advantages of each region of the archipelago can always be maintained for future generations.

       Taman Mini Indonesia Indah (TMII) has a new face. A number of facilities have been revitalized and have a more attractive appearance. One of them is the Jagat Satwa Nusantara Bird Park. This park is home to thousands of birds housed in large domes.

       The Indonesian Museum has also been revitalized with a more attractive appearance. visitors will see the development of Indonesian civilization from the past to the future which is described in a museum setting. With this revitalization, the management concept of TMII has completely changed to become very contemporary which includes green, smart, culture, and inclusive. The new face of TMII is now ready to be introduced as an icon of cultural tourism and an educational facility for Indonesia's cultural diversity.

and i think that's all for today i wish you guys a wonderful day, Bye!


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