Descriptive Text #1


Descriptive Text #1

hi hi hello! the weather is flaming lately but i hope you guys happy and healthy. today we are going to talk about descriptive text, Descriptive Text is a text which says what a person or a thing is like. Its purpose is to describe and reveal a particular person, place, or thing.

the functions of descriptive text are :
1. to identify/acknowledge
2. to compliment
3. to promote
4. to be proud of

it also has structures, and there are 
1. identification
A sentence in the firth paragraph containing important facts about the tourist spot: 
(1) the name and 
(2) the location 
the verb in the passive (present tense).
2. characteristic
 A sentence or sentences in the first and second paragraph containing all important facts about the tourist spot: 
(1) the condition and 
(2) the visiting time 
the verb in the present tense.
3. function/benefit/activity
A sentence or sentences in the third paragraph containing all important facts about the subject of the tourist spot: 
(3) Activity; Participle [present].

miss nur told me to make a descriptive text about historical building. and i chose Monas.


       Monas is one of the icons of the city of Jakarta. Monas is often referred to as the heart of Jakarta because it is located in the center of Jakarta and near to the center of government and all its activities. Monas was established to commemorate the struggle of the Indonesian people against the colonialists. Its construction began in 1961 and it was officially opened to the public in 1975.

       The height of Monas is 132 meters, soaring from the ground to the sky. The building consists of three different levels. The top of the Monas monument is crowned with a flame covered with 72 kilograms of gold sheet. This symbolizes the burning struggle of the Indonesian people. It weighs about 14.6 tonnes and is 17 meters tall.

       The second part is the top court. This section has a square shape with a size of 11 by 11 meters. Visitors can reach it by using the elevator which takes about three minutes. From this courtyard, they could see a wide and clear view of the entire city.

       The last part is the lower court. This square courtyard is 45 meters wide on each side. Inside this lower section, there is an independence room. This room stores many symbols and files of Indonesian independence.

thats all i have for today, see you on my next blog!


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